Jerry had shopped – or was it ‘shoplifted’ – in the department store several times in the last week. He had taken watches, jewelry and other small items but this time he was going to steal a complete dress suit. He carefully picked the right size as his eyes checked for sales clerks. He didn’t want to be interrupted.
He unconsciously listened to the droning canned music from the speakers in the ceiling. He had noticed, every time be was in the store, a low, barely audible tone mixed in with the sappy music. He made a mental note to complain to the management – the next time he wasn’t stealing, that is. He laughed to himself that “he might never get such an opportunity.”
Quickly Jerry pulled the suit off its hanger and rolled it up, quickly concealing it under his jacket. He then walked toward the exit, As he approached he saw them – standing at the exit were two stunning yet strong, powerful-looking women.
The first was a well-muscled blond, about 5’7″, with bulging biceps. She looked like that the gladiator on TV. She would have been the kind of girl Jerry would have gone for – but right now, she was blocking his way. The other was much taller, maybe 5’10”, and was as dark as the first lady was fair. She too was well-muscled in a body builder sort of mold yet her smooth skin and very abundant breasts and perfect face and ass, along with her haunting eyes and long hair betrayed an enchanting and exciting femininity. “Wow!” he thought, “it’s a shame I don’t have time to stop and talk to these two fabulous babes.”
“Excuse me girls,” he said, “could I please get by. You’re blocking the way.”
“I’m sure you would like to get by,” the blond laughed, “but I’m Angela from the security department and this is Tammi. We’d like you to accompany us to our office.”
Jerry evaluated his choices. He could push his way through and run, but then they would call the police and he would be arrested. Or maybe he could go with them and talk them out of having him arrested. Finally, the two of them grabbed his elbows and escorted him to the rear of the store.
They went to an office in a quiet part of the building away from sales clerks and. customers. It was just him and the two hot-looking security women.
“What’s your name,” Tammi asked in a deep, sexy voice.
Almost without thinking Jerry responded, “Jerry Martin. I live on Palm Street in L.A. Here’s my license.”
“Damn,” he thought to himself, “why am I being so f—— cooperative. This isn’t a bar and I’m not trying to pick up these chicks. They could put me in jail!”
But for some reason, he wanted to cooperate with them.
“Do you come to this store often'” Angela asked.
Again, he blurted a response, in spite of his better judgment. “Yeah, a half dozen times just this week and I steal shit every time.”
They laughed. “No wonder he’s so compliant,” Angela said to Tammi, “that’s certainly enough times for it to take effect.”
Tammi turned to him and said, “You may wonder why you are being so helpful to us in spite of your normal behavior. Allow me to explain it to you.”
“A few months ago the store bought one of those subliminal audio systems to stop shop lifters. You know, a recording that plays audio-hypnotic commands just below your hearing threshold. Well the damn thing worked too well!!”
Angela continued, “Nobody was stealing anything! Management was going to fire us so Tammi and I found out where the tapes were and made some minor changes.”
“First,” said Tammi, “we took out the commands like ‘I am an honest person. I will not steal. It’s against my principals and against the law’ and we replaced them with suggestions like ‘I love and respect Angela and Tammi. I will do anything they ask. If they should ask, I would eagerly become their sex slave. It would make me very happy to do anything they commanded of me. They are so wonderful they fully deserve the most compliant and obedient response’.”
She continued, while absently running her fingers through her long fabulously silken blond hair. “Boy, did things change then! The managers now do anything we suggest. We’ve gotten raises, longer vacations – anything we ask, they deliver – clothes, furniture, anything we want, is ours.
“But we still come to work pretty regularly so no one will become suspicious. You have come to the store so often you have accepted our subliminal suggestions also. Whether you know it or not, you have become our willing slave!”
“That’s pretty stupid,” Jerry replied. “To prove it’s not true I’ll get up and leave now. If I’m a ‘tape slave’ I won’t be able to but if you gals are wrong, I’ll just leave and you won’t call the cops.”
Angie and Tammi smiled knowingly at each other. As Jerry was about to walk out the door Tammi said, “Stop! you can’t move! you cannot! Turn around. Now!”
Jerry froze with his hand resting on the door knob. Escape was literally in his grasp but he couldn’t move. He tried but it was as if his body was made of lead. He began to turn around to face the two gorgeous guards. He didn’t want to but he couldn’t help himself.
The sexy blond security cop walked slowly to him, smiling. She gently placed her cool, soft fingers on his temples and began to move them in a circular motion, all the while speaking to him in a low, commanding voice. It was all so soothing and comforting.
“You don’t want to leave yet Jerry. you want to stay and play – play by Our rules, but play.”
“Yes,” he said in agreement.
A lot went on in Jerry’s mind in the split second before he agreed. His mind felt fuzzy. A strange tingling sensation swept through his brain. He felt confused. Then in an instant, everything cleared up. It was as if he had always known the answer but no one had thought to ask the question. he loved and respected Angela and Tammi. ’he would do anything they asked. he would even be their SEX slave! It would be so exciting to be controlled by these two decadent, dominating females!
Angie spoke seductively, as Her sensual fingers traced circles on his temples. Her soft, sexy, commanding voice penetrated deep into his mind. “you don’t want to leave jerry. you want to sit down and listen……. you can’t leave the room. you would really like to just sit here and listen to My suggestions. My orders. My commands.”
Jerry felt so strange and as he sat down he tried to think. he had wanted to run away but the more Angela talked the more he was convinced to just sit and listen.
“You know, jerry, I could tell by the way you looked at Tammi and Me that We really excited you. In fact, I was amazed that you didn’t get so damn hot looking at us that you would be unable to resist rubbing your cock. It would feel so good to just look at Us and rub your prick, to give in to your intense desire to openly worship and adore our beauty – to demonstrate your total submission and surrender to our Power and Vanity!”
“Yes,” he thought, “this Vixen is right on!” his hand started inching toward his already-hard cock. he started gently fingering the bulge through his jeans.
“You know what jerry? We think you would look pretty nice in sexy, white silk girl’s panties. Don’t you?”
After a moment, he nodded yes.
“In fact if We dressed you up in silk panties you’d probably be so damn horny you couldn’t help jacking off for Us – in Our honor, to Our glory, as it were….”
Again he heard that mocking yet seductive laughter. A thrilling chill went up his spine.
“I think We can make you feel like a sexy little slut-slave when We dress you in panties. Angie will put panties on you and you won’t be able to stop Her. you won’t be able to resist Her. The more you try to resist the more you’ll get excited by the idea of soft, white silk panties against your cock. Just thinking about it now makes you want to take your cock out and show it to Us. you want to take your cock out and jack off for Us. you really want to be Our horny, little jerk-off panty slave. Don’t you?”
The excitement built inside him with every word She spoke. he couldn’t get the image of himself dressed in frilly feminine panties out of his head. his hand stroked up and down on his – or was it “their” cock. he felt his balls fill. he was ready to cum, so-o-o ready!
“Shoot it!” the Girls ordered.
Spurt after spurt of hot white cum shot over him. his pants, his shirt, his hand – even his face – was covered in the milky goo.
“Strip!” Tammi ordered and he obediently removed all his clothes. Now there he stood totally naked in the small security office for Their inspection. Nothing left to hide.
Tammi turned to Angela and said, “Looks like this guy is really ours. he’ll do anything we want and he’ll love doing it!”
Angela turned to Her naked slave and said, “Put these on, jerk-off jerry. My little obedient slut.”
She tossed him a pair of lacy white panties which he quickly put on. The silk felt so good against his still-excited cock.
“You know what jerry….. I think you’ve got more left in you!”
She turned so Her gorgeous ass was toward him as She bent over to give him a most exciting view. “Don’t you like My ass, panty-boy? Fill your lecherous eyes with My wonderfully sexy ass.”
Again, jerry was frozen in space and time. Just openly staring and enjoying the gorgeous ass was all that was important to him. Then his hand, automatically and on its own, started to jerk his again-erect cock! Harder, faster!
The lush brunette, Tammi, reinforced his instinct as She gave the order: “Stroke it jerry. Stroke it!”
Suddenly he reached another thundering orgasm, jism filling the panties and running down his leg to the floor. his knees felt weak. he sat on the desk and just looked at the two glorious Guards. he couldn’t believe what was happening to him! Yes, every time either of Them suggested something to him he had to obey! he eagerly wanted to obey. Their commands were sacred and Their commands gave him so much pleasure when he obeyed.
Tammi began flexing Her massive muscles while she swayed her hips and licked her ruby red lips. Once again jerry’s cock became rock-hard as he watched and once again he began stroking his cock.
“Stroke it. Stroke your cock!” They commanded and he obeyed.
“Oh Goddess, here it cums again!” he yelled. Pulse after pulse of hot cum shot from his cock until finally he fell exhausted onto the desk top, wallowing in his own cum.
“Put this on!” Tammi ordered as She tossed him a pink bustier.
Without resistance, he complied.
“We’d like you to jack off out in the store.”
“No, not that. It’s one thing here, but not out in public!”
Tammi touched his temples again and then reached down and grabbed his once-again hard cock. She did what women have done to men for centuries. She led him by his prick. She gently pulled him down a hall to the sales floor as dozens of women milled about doing their shopping.
“Hi. We’re Angie and Tammi from the security department and we have a little demonstration We know you would like to watch.”
Suddenly the shoppers became an obedient, attentive audience. Angela turned Her ass to jerry’s face once again and said, “you’re just My little jerk-off sex slave and slut, aren’t you jerry. Do it for Me. Do it!”
“I’ll gladly jack off just for You anytime Angela.”
“As everyone watches, right?”
“With everyone watching.”
“And you can’t help jerking on the cock We own so everyone here can see how much pleasure it gives you to openly worship Us and how you love having women watch you be humiliated and degraded like the horny slut you are.”
Sweating and breathing hard jerry answered, “They’re all watching me jack off and i’m gonna cum. You are so beautiful, i must obey You. You’re so sexy… oh, oh-h-h, You own me.”
“Now!” Angela shouted. “Cum!”
Instantly globs of hot cum streamed out of his obedient cock, all over the floor. his eyes were glassy and his mouth hung open. Cum dripped from his cock and covered his hands. It was almost as if his body was not his own. his cock actually began to get hard again as he gazed at the two Women.
“Do it again!” Angela ordered.
“Now!” Tammi commanded. “you know you want to serve us. you want to jerk it off for us.” He was so tired, so embarrassed. his cock hurt, it looked bruised. But his body was Theirs and his hand – and cock – responded. “What do you want, jerry?” Tammi asked. “I want You, Goddess. i want You and Goddess Angela to own me, to command me, to sexually use me, to whip me, to bind me, to love me….” “And so We shall, but now – for Us and for these ladies – let’s do it one more time!”
With that Angela jammed two fingers into jerry’s mouth. “Suck My fingers as though they were My nipples. Kiss them, lick them. suck them. And while you worship my succulent nipples, jack off for Me and when you cum, tell Us. how devoted you are to Us.”
The hypno-slut obeyed immediately. he felt dizzy and his cock responded with weak thin dribbles of cum dripping from the sore head. A loud moan escaped from his mouth. Now totally exhausted, he fell to the floor, his body totally covered in his own cum. As he lost consciousness he said, “I love You. You own my body and soul. i’m forever grateful to You both.”
And then he was silent. Forever theirs.
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