I slept so well that night, the deepest, most content sleep in years. I awoke the next morning still unsure of what had occurred the day before but certainly feeling a sense of excitement for the day ahead.
I arrived at work a little late due to sleeping in late – a first for me – to be greeted by Krystal at her desk. You were wearing a rather plain woolen skirt and cotton blouse and we greeted each other with the expected professionalism. Nothing unusual there except my unexplained feeling of confusion. I went to my office and worked solidly as usual for a few hours. You came in to take some dictation which again was without incident. Then as you left the office you looked up at me with your piercing green eyes and smiled. It felt as though a volcano was starting to erupt deep inside me and I felt that tingling I hadn’t felt since I was about 16. Strange, I thought. You then left and I returned to my work.
That night was a different story. I barely slept. Tossing and turning, my mind filled with strange images and tension. I was relieved when the clock turned 6am and I could get up and go into work. Again I was pretty productive but by the time 9am came I was already so tired and stressed and desperately needing some sleep. Again I seemed to have that empty feeling inside, was it hunger? Thirst? I don’t know, coffee certainly didn’t make any difference!
At 9:15am you knocked at my door and came in. Today you were a different person. Dressed in a long black satin skirt with a red soft silk blouse. Your breasts full and tempting. Your curves accentuated with each poetic step that you made. You walked over to my desk and asked “Would you like something to drink?” in a silken voice that pierced into my soul and desire.
“Err…. yes. Yes coffee please.”
You smiled and your eyes lit up as they burrowed into my being. “Very well”, you acknowledged as you left. My eyes were riveted on your gorgeous behind as you walked to the door. My cock already standing to attention.
Alone in my office my desire rose with every breath and my mouth became drier and stomach tighter. What the hell was going on?! I couldn’t think. I could barely breathe. I didn’t want to breathe. My whole being was focused on one thing… being captivated, controlled, coerced, smothered by this woman.
After an endless 30 minutes you returned with two cups of coffee which you placed on my desk. You looked at me, into me, for what seemed like an age and then said, “Would you like me to take it all away, sir?”. I looked up into your beautiful green eyes and simply nodded unsure of what you meant but wanting whatever it was.
“Look into my eyes”, you said, well, you commanded. I looked. I fell into your eyes. Transfixed I didn’t hear what you were saying but deeper and deeper I fell into the depths of your being. Everything inside me was stirring as the thirst grew, the wanting grew, the needing grew. You were speaking to me, relaxing me, making me drift. Sending me to quiet, still places.
“Stand up and undress. Then lie on the couch”, was all I heard you say.
As if mesmerized I stood and took my clothes off. My hard cock flicked up as I removed my underwear. I was unsure why I was so hard already. Unsure why I should be naked in front of you. But I was and I was so content.
I laid on my back on the wide, soft couch in my office, almost in a dream, almost awake. Somewhere in between. Your shimmering satin skirt swaying, brushing against my face I caught your scent. Oh god, what a scent, filling my nostrils and my lungs. “Please Krystal. Please!”, I begged.
You turned and raised a knee over my face straddling me facing towards my feet. Your long satin skirt dropping down around my head, totally shrouded in cool, smooth, black satin. Your lust centre inches away, coming closer as you lowered yourself slowly towards me. The scent was overpowering sending my body into spasms, my hard cock twitching as I breathed you in.
“Drink lover. Drink!” you commanded as you lowered yourself onto my face. You had no panties and your warm moist pussy dropped onto my mouth and face. Immediately I started to lick and flick my tongue over your clit. You moaned. Slowly starting to rock against me as I worshipped you with my mouth.
The warm feelings rose in you as my tongue worked against your clit. You knew you were in control but you had to admit that this was good, so very very good. You started to grind your pussy into my face. Getting wetter and wetter as my tongue licked you and flicked against your swollen clit. You rocked more, now lost in the sensations, your pussy rubbing over my mouth, my nose. My tongue licking up every part of you. You grew in passion and need as my face burrowed into you. Your rivers now flowing faster as I lapped up all of you. You grind deeper and faster. Pushing harder against me. Thrusting back and forward on my face. My mouth taking your pussy and your ass as you dictate where and how I take you. My tongue never ceasing from the front to the back. Taking all of you. Savoring, drinking more and more.
You moan as the sensations rise. You can see me getting harder and harder in front of your eyes. “Not yet my boy. You will not come yet!”, you command as you rock faster. “I must come first!”. You grasp my hard cock tight. Squeezing me tight around the base. Using my cock for leverage you rock harder and more forcefully over my face. My tongue still moving quickly with some unseen strength, lapping at you, drinking your waters. Faster and faster you go until you scream a violent, earthly scream and erupt over my mouth and face. I drink you in more and more, my cock twitches violently as you grasp me harder while your body reaches its amazing climax. Your juices gush over my face, what I can’t drink just flows over my face drenching me. You laugh and scream as you come over and over again. Your hand squeezing my cock so tightly preventing me from coming. Denying me the pleasure.
Slowly you come to a stop. Dripping still as I drink the last of you.
“Oh god”, you say, “Now, now I will take the rest of you!”
I wonder what else there is. I have drunk you into my soul. Your sweet beautiful juices are now in me. But you raise yourself up and stand up. Turning around you move down to my waiting cock and lower your soaking pussy onto me. The tip is just at your entrance as you wait, my cock twitching against your wet lips, the gateway to your centre.
“Look into my eyes and do NOT look away!”, you demand. “And, you will only come when I say”
I stare deep into your green eyes. Disappearing again into your soul as you slowly lower yourself onto my hard throbbing cock. The sensation was like nothing I had ever felt before.
“Do not look away”, you demand as you rock against me. Staring deep into me as you use me again. My hard cock already taking you into the most amazing places as you come over and over again. I stare deep into your eyes. Lost in you, not believing that I have not come as you violently thrust against me, pushing my hard member deep into you. Deeper and deeper. Your eyes burrowing into me changing from green, getting brighter, darker even, become red, glowing almost on fire. As you take my soul, my mind, my self. I can feel myself being drawn into your eyes as you come over and over again. Smiling. Laughing. Screaming. Lost in your wild ceremony as you take what you know is yours.
Your satin skirt dances around my waist and butt as you ride me again and again. I have no idea how long you had me for but then without warning you say those two sacred words “COME NOW!” and I erupt on your command. My eyes transfixed on yours. Your eyes now ablaze, the green has gone and they are totally aflame, totally in control of me and my whole body. I erupt. Bursting over and over as you scream a wild, magical scream and your muscles milk me, squeezing me, massaging me as I come over and over again. It doesn’t stop. Oh my god, it keeps going on and on. You ARE milking me, sucking every last drop from my soul until there is no more and you collapse onto me. Your breasts on my face. Immediately I sleep. Your warm pussy enveloping me, my mouth and face still tasting of your juices.
I have no idea how long we lay like that. I awoke 5 hours later. 4:30pm. Alone. Naked. I had no recollection of why on earth I was naked on my couch. I smelt incredible though. What was that?! I dressed quickly, very embarrassed, hoping that nobody, especially my new secretary had seen me that way. But I was strangely content. Oh god, so content, deep in my mind and heart and soul.
Must have been a nice sleep!
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