She closed the baize-covered sound-proof door gently, listening to the steady drone of his voice over the driving beat of the tape. She felt the return of a flood of excitement & recollection. She moved quietly on the strip of black carpet to her ‘throne’ on the raised dais, & sat – looking down at the naked man sitting upright on his ‘training chair’ in front of her – eyes shut, as he chanted his litany of subservience.
‘I just love having them like this. Completely dominated. BY ME. He’s well under. Making him humiliate himself. Nearly broken. Still trying to do 2 things at once, & failing miserably in each. Trying to fool me that he’s fully submissive, while trying to marshal his tiny submission-craving-brain – or what’s left of it – to get his mental [if not his physical] rocks off. I just love dominating them…..making sure they know [and want it] that they’re being dominated.
This. This is great. It’s what I want. ME! My personal credo encapsulated – who I am……
“….a successful, educated, strikingly beautiful, dominant woman with highly charged sexual and other appetites …. the physical and psychological aspects of a true Domme /submissive relationship equally important. Dominance. Humiliation. Bondage. Administering pain – for discipline (or whenever I judge the time is right to take a sub deep into role play). Control is intoxicating to Me. I am not generally a controlling person, but in BDSM, I seek it in every form that it takes. I relish corporal, & I also love bondage, medical play, interrogations, and most everything dressed up in fetish.”
<!–[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]–>
……………& what I want in a slave….
<!–[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]–>
“….a sensitive, intelligent, educated, accomplished, humorous unattached man (phew)…..accustomed to a more dominant role in most other aspects of his life, who wishes to experience the bliss of being completely sexually submissive to me (YES!)…….in a relationship….? (hmmm, not so sure about that)….that is based on worship and desire to please me in every way possible.”
<!–[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]–>
‘Yep, sounds fine to me……’
‘Domination is the key. Making him face up to his desire – his need to be my slave. Knowing what’s happening to him – loving it – & trying to fool me [himself] that he’s not really under my absolute control. That he could pull out any time – Hah! You think…..when I make him do the most humiliating things – THEN HE KNOWS. And he knows that I know – that he’s MINE! Completely. I own him.
Hmmm, silence – let’s see………hmmm…out loud for one, then silently next. Keeps em thinking – have to concentrate – especially when it’s silent…..he should be about……
‘… Goddess Marquesa… Obey…Worship Goddess…….’.. yep – let’s see……….. ‘…Love Goddess…..sole purpose ….Marquesa in every way..’
Hey! I’ve got myself saying it….lah-de-dah……just love that tune…..well, the jingle sure is catchy…..’
Her startling green eyes narrowed in concentration, her head tilted to one side. As the man’s voice re-commenced, her cheeks dimpled charmingly and her generous mouth pursed in a breathtaking smile, showing her even, white teeth.
‘…..and he should start……now! Mm…..not bad. If he’s faking it – at least he’s got the cadence right – or nearly – so he’s still “thinking” it. Probably faked it over the past hour.’
‘……hmmm…….didn’t realise I’d been gone so long. I’ll do him, anyway. Make him ‘fess-up. Some more ‘interrogation’……mm? CBT? Electrics? He’ll tell. Bet he was. He’s quite smart. Not as smart as he thinks he is. Nowhere near as smart as I am. Make him ‘fess’………..then let him choose what he’ll get as punishment. Humiliating. He’s sooo independent…like that in a man….especially when I overpower it, crush it, ‘remove’ it…..& make him beg me to do so………………. dominance & humiliation – such an aphrodisiac. Enslavement. Some more bondage, I think. I’m just in the mood.’
‘…….. marvellous first session. …just creamed myself. Didn’t blow…but close. All those lovely little ‘pops’ getting bigger & better each time. Had to concentrate on keeping-off the big “O” – sooo close. Exquisite. Little pauses. Not for him. Just so I didn’t lose my edge too soon. Had to be careful with him. Seventy. But quite good…I love the newies. Watching as they realise what’s really happening to them – the awful realisation that a mere woman [Divine Goddess Marquesa to YOU my pet!] is actually in control…of them. Total control. Helpless. Scared shitless. Terrified. Unable to resist. Punished, if they try…. MADE to do whatever MISTRESS GODDESS KEYHOLDER MARQUESA tells them to do. Bondage. Real tight. Electrics. Nipples……Torture. Learning to obey. To do whatever Mistress tells them to do without question – without hesitation……Realising that they’re losing it ….& being made to say so….being made to ask to be broken….being made to beg to be broken…….being made to…..made to…. made to….everything.
Surrender. My favourite word. Make them…him….michael snell…..surrender. hypnosis at first….come into my parlour…….sessions…now, here we are……me in charge as usual – ho hum – & my newest newie beginning to realise that I really am a DOMME & that he really is a sub… making him shout it…top of his voice…I helped – judicious electrics at vital moments – sounded quite funny – made him tell Julie….just to add to his humiliation.’
She surveyed her domain. Her ‘sessions room’…her dungeon.
Three black walls & floor, the fourth wall almost entirely covered by large, floor-to-ceiling mirrors. The open cubicle with toilet & bidet, the enema tubes neatly hung on the wall. The large, leather bound table with metal clips on its edges, sitting on heavy legs bolted to the floor & the tall frame at one end reaching almost to the ceiling.
The metal bed-frame, suspended on its hook & pulley through the overhead support down to the winch handle. She had lifted & manoeuvred 200 pound men strapped oh-so-tightly on that frame, rendering them more available for her various ‘attentions’. The large St Andrew’s cross & the stocks nearby. The leather sling with securing straps; shed had some fun sitting open-thighed in that……….more fun with a slave firmly secured & suspended, swinging helplessly to-and-fro. A heavy wooden waist-high pillory, with adjustable opening for a slave’s ‘jewels’ & sturdy clips at each end, broad straps at ankle height….ready.
One wall lined with whips & paddles & assorted ‘toys’. The large wheel – not as successful as she had expected, sometimes she used it with great pleasure – but mostly she liked them immobile & OHHH—SO–VULNERABLE.
It was a complete dungeon. HER dungeon. Here, more than any other place – SHE WAS IN TOTAL COMMAND. In this place, EVERYONE obeyed her. Sooner or later. EVERYONE. ALWAYS.
A satisfied smile crossed her perfect, ruby-red lips. Her eyes flashed with exhilaration. She listened to the heavy beat of the disk – a compelling, driving, earthy sound – she loved that. She could barely hear his voice, a steady recitation in his cute English accent – almost like a prayer. She sat – looking intently at the naked man sitting on the solid wooden spreader-chair in front of her.
Sooo, let’s see, mmm, nearly an hour….. I slept like a baby….needed a break…to cool down. Not that I did, really….still ‘hot’ & a real wide-on. I always get super-heated with the new ones. Even after nearly 2 hours of constant arousal & climaxes…pop pop pop, rat tat tat just like a machine-gun. THAT was great! ……IS great. MMMMmmMM…one of the best.
And now for the big one…… not finished – quite….mmmmMMMM-mmm. I’m tingling all over – my breasts feel just soooo warm & wonderful. nipples – ohhh & especially in my fanny. Sooo good. I just love the first sessions with newies. Such a turn-on. Just rested a while – while my little puppet learns his ‘lessons’. Tried to resist me – I love it when they do that. Hiding. Pretending. Just kept him on edge. Progressive pain & humiliation. Every time he surrendered—- a reward….a tiny reward. Pleasure….that only I can provide…so he thinks….corrrrrrrection!….so he knows. Gave him pain just to let him know what he’s in for if he disobeys…& some pleasure when he does as he’s told. When he obeys.
‘Don’t think….just obey. Don’t think….just obey’
made him say that…over & over….while he was on the cross…..the saltire…& the girls coming in to watch……his little pecker stiff as a ramrod, while I increased the power on him….asked me to stop….begged….but his little ‘indicator’ gave him away..He liked it! I knew he would. Anyways….more importantly…..I liked it . Hey…….I don’t like it….I LOVE it!!…absolute freedom to do whatever I want…doing things to them when they’re tied up & helpless. My little quirt…makes such a satisfying crack on leather…& an even more satisfying SEXY sound on a man’s flesh, plus, of course that wonderful sound of a man’s voice beginning to crack as I give him the treatment. Strung up, as I soften them up…… then the lacing table with my little Folsom…call me ‘sparkie…’ Onto the cross & back again. Then the spreader-chair….so available so vulnerable….sat in front of him…between his thighs – could’ve jacked him …huh, I thought of it….but as I was stiffening him [as if he wasn’t already – & precum everywhere] had a flash of inspiration….a real shot of heat in my pussy….put the ring on him….big one…..& just wired-up his cock …..magic……he went crazy. Staring into my eyes……then at the pendant [I came twice just doing that]….then at my fanny…..he really has a thing…..screaming his ‘lesson’ at the top of his voice & the ‘Don’t think’ mantra…’
‘After an hour or so, I just unstrapped him & told him to go to the cross & fix himself…all I had to do was his last wrist…..Julie wanted him…. I could tell….so I let her for a while…made him tell her he was MY slave…..She fancies him for some reason….we’ll see. Anyway, I made certain to let him know who’s boss. ME! He sure knows it now. Broke him. Now the training. He’s really quite good….glad I brought him here to me….quite presentable….well…..for his age….interesting…amusing….good conversation….attentive….sincere….that’s those early sessions….so receptive…..I realised that….it’s why I really played him ‘long’….gave him nothing….tease & denial huh?….slave michael? slave michael snell?….didn’t like being a real slave, did you?…well, you weren’t….then. But you sure as hell are now. Not hypnotised….not even post-hypnotic….well, apart from the questioning….just plain, good old fashioned Domme technique…driven into his tiny brain through his cock & balls, his nipples & up his tight little ass.’
‘I love clicking my fingers at a slave. So commanding. Soooo controlling. ‘CLICK!’ On your knees! Kiss my feet……you love kissing my beautiful feet & divine shoes……’CLICK CLICK face into my pussy…DON’T TOUCH! Just as close as you are……inhale my divine perfume, smell my pheromones….mmm?…let them destroy your resistance, mmmmm? Just CRAVING to be allowed to taste….but not unless I permit….hmmmm? CLICK CLICK CLICK hmmmm…….ooooohhh YES! bit gamey there huh? Little nose [well quite a large nose actually] tucked between my cheeks pushing your tongue against my puckered ring….I like it when a slave does that….it’s not where he imagined, or thought, or hoped, he’d be pushing his tongue…..maybe I don’t even like it THAT much [hey, who am I kidding?] IT’S THE POWER, GIRL. THE DOMINATION.
Complete control. Just a little bit more then I can send him away, completely trained. Conditioned……
‘a completely re-conditioned model Madame, good for another 30,000 miles…guaranteed faultless, satisfactory performance. Maybe occasional check-ups – provided as part of our service. This model, although no longer being made, can provide hundreds of hours of pleasure-filled satisfaction for the discerning user….’
Hah! Maybe I won’t give him to Julie – I could sell him…or rent him out……….mm?.
Divine, glorious, gorgeous GODDESS MARQUESA leaned back & smiled. She was dressed in her most stunning costume – selected with care in the full knowledge that this session – his first, live – was going to be something special.
And it had been.
For them both – though her experience had been one of increasing pleasure & gratification – both mental & physical – ….while his had undoubtedly been an event of unsurpassed self-awareness & realisation of his new role – SLAVE.
She had dressed in her ‘black widow’ outfit, the long skirt & form-fitting top with a high neck in tight black leather, – a bit severe she always thought – but that was the impression she always wanted to create from the outset. The black leather was soft & pliable, but firm & moulding – highlighting her creamy complexion & blonde hair. The long leather gloves – & of course – the finishing touch, her little riding quirt – so slender & elegant…so graceful….so…..perfect… she slapped it against her thigh, the sound at once so arresting & so commanding.
‘Pay attention. To me. Obey. Do as I command. Obey. Surrender yourself. I control you. You are my trained slave.’
She just loved dressing this way – especially for a newie. Watching their faces [and their little ‘indicators’ – that was always a turn-on]…..seeing the effect she had on them.
‘KNOWING how breathtakingly beautiful…sexy…desirable….POWERFUL I look…sooo HOT! Just blowing their tiny little minds…and creaming myself as the reality sinks in …I just love this. Dominating & Controlling. Making them submit.. SURRENDER. And watch as they slowly, desperately stop struggling, after a few last-gasp efforts to escape my mental domination…& begin the long, reluctant journey of acknowledgement of MY complete dominance.’
‘I just love leather.’
Underneath, revealed when she progressively unzipped the skirt, the thigh-high boots – she loved those boots….six inch heels on two inch platforms (hey, who’s doing any walking? had to be careful when administering ‘discipline’ —– it’s all balance & timing…haven’t had any complaints – he he) rising to her tight-fitting black silk panties – full & form-fitting, with the bustier [not too tight – she liked to be comfortable] rising to her magnificent, full bosom. The small pendant nestled between her creamy breasts [it was always fun to wear that] – a reminder of her early days – didn’t use it much now – it had seemed appropriate on this occasion – she had been quite turned on (now there’s an understatement – she had been almost dripping & it felt great) – the full caboodle – & what a session it had been.
Still is.
Nearly over, I can feel my power….my dominance approaching its zenith – I just LOVE this feeling…delaying the ultimate – self-abnegation of that final shattering sensation of mental & physical galvanising exhilaration, knowing I’m going to explode with pleasure…on & on…rising & rising…bang after bang…able to prolong them…as I tease & torture a slave into complete, utter, debasing surrender- TO ME!!!! FOR EVER.
I love that feeling. I could climax……right now – just imagining enslaving a new one (let’s face it, girl….you do….you have..) & the delicious physical control I can exercise over a bound & completely vulnerable male….just love my lacing table – can’t move a muscle – soooo utterly helpless – while I ‘introduce’ him to pain & pleasure ….that only I can provide…..nipples first….I love it when they realise they’re completely at my mercy & the terrifying realisation that I’m not……. HA! not very merciful at all…… I LIKE tuning them up…..making them writhe & beg…always taking them deeper & deeper….more & more submissive….once you get inside their head….make ’em realise how helpless they are……make ’em say so….over & over [music to my ears – I love that tune].’
‘Then some punishment….they always deserve it…….adds to their feeling that you know all about them…& I do……get ’em accustomed to obedience….fear of the consequences. I love punishing them…..make ’em do demeaning things….just to show they’re under my control….helpless obedient slaves….learning the pleasure of complete submission & obedience. Instant…unhesitating…..mindless…..obedience. Wanting to obey. Wanting to be trained into complete servile submission.’
‘I’m soooo turned on…that was great…after a little cat-nap [well, an hour or so…. a girl needs her beauty sleep…. I can feel it still………..mmm… my tits …on fire….delicious & my pussy soooo soft & warm & squelchy….mmm, delicious…and….and…. knowing that the really big one is yet to come, but close – don’t want to delay too long….just enough to drive him into complete abject humiliating surrender…revelling in his own degradation & oblation – making him surrender his life-force to me – then just keeping him helpless by the sheer force of my will – trained to obey….don’t need to tie him up any more (although I sure will – again & again – I just love BDSM bondage – a little ‘interrogation’ ….mmm?) I feel a million dollars –wha…? I feel a hundred million – I just soooo love breaking them in….down… up….sideways – whatever….’
She looked calmly at him, his eyes firmly shut. A broad leather collar tight around his neck, small black clips on his nipples, buckled straps on his ankles & wrists, his legs parted wide – to the shape of the chair, revealing the heavy, broad stainless-steel band round his scrotum.
‘I like them in a ring. Shows they are owned. He’ll be back in the chastity tube soon. I’ll send him back. Don’t want him here – another few days. Week maybe. Interesting, & sexually responsive – but no real stamina – too old. Fun though. I’ll keep him a while. Saying his lesson like a good little boy. Out loud, then silently….thinking – have to concentrate. Can’t think about anything else. Just as I intended. I time them. Always. Just random check. He tried it. They all do………… first…knows better now…..learned not to try to fool me. Gave him the electrode up his ass. Really scared him. Even if he wasn’t trying it on – doesn’t do any harm to let ’em know you’re ahead of them – read their tiny, dirty predictable (thank God) little minds. I love electrics. Wand is good for punishment. Those sparks – he doesn’t like it all. As he lay there. Helpless. Then my little Folsom…use it again now for conditioning……And the peg up his ass. Then sitting on it – impaled. Good for discipline.
And my little TENS for his cock & balls – never even have to touch em – jack em. That Erostec does all the work – better than a vibrator….can’t come….but on-the-edge for hours…… sooo effective for acclimatising them….. reward (sometimes) associated with my trigger. Up the power for a bit of judicious ‘mind alteration’ – eradicate unacceptable thoughts & attitudes. What was her name…? Lurna? Larna? No matter. I should make him tell her I’ve taken over now. She would approve. In New Zealand. Just by Australia, I knew that. New Zealand……Kiwis they’re called. A kiwi Domme. I might visit with her one day. Tell what I’ve done to her [now very much MY] slave.’
‘Always make a slave verbalise….a running commentary of what’s being done to him… Heightens realisation of what’s happening to him – make him describe exactly what’s being done to him. .of what I’m doing to him, & HOW MUCH HE LIKES IT! . Nipples. I love nipples. Paddled his boney little ass. Doesn’t like that. Too bad. Good. I like it so that’s it.’
‘Nice to have Julie along. After I’d broken him. Make him aware that another woman was witnessing his humiliation & subjection. On the cross….made him tell her what was happening to him. What I was doing to him. And that he was soooo grateful. Maybe I’ll give him to her. She’s quite taken with him. Dunno why. Too old. No bod. No stamina. Nice little mind, tho…… now mine. What an imagination….loved his stories….a real wide-on & creaming as they got more uninhibited. Read then several times….what a little mind….. English. Arrogant. Used to being top-dog. Banker. Clever…yeah but I’m smarter – hey look who’s on top here…..France huh…. Maybe I’ll visit. Or send him away & I’ll use his – give him to Julie – here. Why not? He’s mine. Totally. Well, just the final step…. steps. Maybe have Julie watch. She likes it. Adds to their feeling of helplessness in front of a 3rd party. Maybe make him…… Ohhh I love this feeling. He likes it, too. Hypno-interrogation. Just confirmed what I already knew. Wouldn’t have mattered anyways. He’s a slave. Totally………..or soon will be. I just LOOOOOVVVVE it when I destroy their will. Make sure they know it. Tell me what I’ve done to them. Thank me for it.”
His face was neutral, eyes closed, lips trembling slightly – speaking in a modulated tone – a mindless, repetitive mantra of submission.
‘Goddess Marquesa owns me. I belong to her, I am her slave….’
“Christ, oh Christ – I hurt. Goddess Marquesa….. Jesus! She owns me…! My nipples are on fire…. my ass is burning, my balls ache Goddess Marquesa my cock – oh Christ….”
‘Goddess Marquesa is my Domme, I am her sub….’
“I can’t stop saying it. She’s got me. Christ, I hurt. Oh Goddess – I love you. No! No, I don’t – I fucking don’t. I adore you. I can’t stop….Ohhh, if only I could get free….Bitch! Merciless, cruel, heartless, fucking bitch. So misleading….looks like a divine creature – let’s face it
She’s not even that attractive……Who am I kidding….!!?!!
I love her! I’ve loved her from the very start…..If only I could stop saying it. She’s inside my head. All that repetition. And the ‘special training’ ………special torture more like. ‘For my own good…..’ Jesus. She really is a DOMME. MY Domme. I am her sub. HER Submissive. HER submissive slave. I love her. That’s the hypnosis, I’m sure of it. But the other. ‘Don’t think….just obey….’ over & over. I wanted to obey. I wanted NOT to think. I wanted…I.WANT to be the best slave she’s ever had. I WANT to be more obedient & submissive than any slave she’s ever trained. If only I could please her by being totally obedient. Her slave. Her robot. Tied so tight. Like a trussed chicken. While she…… But she knew…. She loved what she was doing. Told me so. And she knew she was making me begin to like it too. Made me say so. And I did…… I DO….well……..I did say so, anyway. I didn’t enjoy what she was doing to me. Not all of it. Christ – she knew just how far to take me – then just a little bit more. Made me say….. I did, too. Made me beg……for her to continue….then for mercy…then for her to continue again. I Love her. I love, adore, revere, idolise, hunger for her. Yearn to be HER slave. I am. And she made me – makes me – keep saying it. Over & over. Like a prayer. Some sort of chant. Stuck in my brain. It’s true…..”
‘Goddess Marquesa controls my mind…’
“…she fucking does. Cow! Christ – if only I could….I LOVE you Goddess – shit! She’s inside my head. I love you. I hurt in every part of my body. She’s gonna do it again. She said so….. PLEASE!!! No! I’ll do whatever you say. Just – no more. Please!! I beg you. No more. I can’t take any more. OK. Yes, so I’m a coward. Oh, I love you. Yes. Yes. You know I do. I adore you, Goddess Marquesa. I worship….. You own me…She’s breathtakingly beautiful…..first time I actually saw her. Stunningly beautiful, in the classic mode. Tall. Blonde. Those eyes. And sooo intelligent. Frighteningly so…. Such a powerful intellect. & what presence. On high, high, heels. Not teetering, but certainly walking with precision – regal. God, I was thunderstruck. After all those video sessions – had me deeply entranced – probably from the very first time. Couldn’t resist her…. didn’t want to….”
‘I obey Goddess Marquesa without question at all times…’
“If I could just……. Away … from HER. But she knows! She fucking knows. Everything.
Stupid…brainless….idiot. I told her…..
Every…Last…Little…Fucking…Thing. I love you Goddess. I adore you. I am your slave. You own me. I love you. I cannot live without you…. Jesus! Stop! No!!! No. She doesn’t…. And she’s going to do it to me again. Said so….. I can’t take any more. I’ll do anything. Like before. Anything. Just as she wants. Made me say so…. I did. Oh Christ I hurt. I love you Goddess… I do!!! I really do!!! I swear it.”
‘I submit to Goddess Marquesa.
I obey Goddess Marquesa.
I worship….’
“It’s just like Annie. I know what she’s doing to me….but I just can’t help myself…it’s the repetition… I know what she’s…… but knowing, & being able to do something about it is something else. Said so herself. Jesus, she’s a cruel bitch. And she knows how I feel… I AM a submissive person. She knows I like being subjected to domination by a beautiful woman. I love her! I adore her. Oh, Goddess Marquesa, I LOVE you. I crave you. I want – no! All I want to do… obey her. Please her. She IS beautiful. I love her. I love what she’s done to me. Is doing to me….. I ache in every fibre of my body. All I want to do is sleep – & rest. My lips on her…..NO! My tongue gently…. Oh Christ!……..”
‘…..sole purpose of my existence, is to…..’
“I love you, Goddess. Shit! If only I could get free for a while. An hour. Just enough to clear my….. I love you Goddess. I am your slave. You own me…..
How the fuck did I get to this….? She knew…. from the start. Read me like a book. ‘….& a tawdry, grubby little volume you are, to be sure, Mister Michael Snell.’
Annie knew…. Luarna too….. She does….. Played me like a trout. Every time I almost lost patience … for what? She didn’t care. So, blow…. You’re nothing to me…. But every time, she just reeled me back….I LOVE YOU GODDESS MARQUESA – Jesus, it’s true. I DO love her. I’m in love with her. The perfect female. In every way…. If only I could get free of her…. too late now. I’m in love with the creature. Divine creature. Perfection. I know what she is. What she does. But I can’t help myself. If only she thought of me…. I am nothing…. And she is my life. AND she knows it…..accepts it as part of her due. It is, too. Her due. Her divine right. God, I love her.”
‘…..Marquesa controls my mind…..
I must obey Goddess Marquesa without question at…..’
“….no hypnosis now. I think…was never sure when she was trancing me…. couldn’t think….. That mind-game. I knew what she was doing. Couldn’t resist. Didn’t want to….She was so sexy & exciting. I just wanted to be her slave….well, play-act….not really…just to get my rocks off. Liked her – sense of humour…….I am in love with her…….I ADORE HER…..those sessions. I was sort of in a trance – lost the plot from the first – I remember she gave me an instruction….couldn’t remember what it was….then those two tapes….I kept writing down the time on my pad, day after day…thought of her all the time…..drove her nuts with my flood of messages – & so long. She got irritated…serves me right……..
…….if I hadn’t already had the chastity tube….. just got it out & put it on…. those sessions. Every day. Every-fucking-day. Deeper & deeper. Knew it. but didn’t care. Months. Kept stringing me along. The panties. The tape to go with it…..”Panty Playtime” [yeah, but not for me….]
She knew. ‘Sorry my pet – just sooo busy….’ and the live session. Yeah, right. I LOVE YOU GODDESS, I ADORE YOU. Jesus…. I CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT YOU.
‘……soon my pet….just soooo busy……’
I knew it, but I just couldn’t help myself… “live session” – hah! & personalised video –‘……sooon, my pet…’ playing me. AND I KNEW IT. but didn’t care. couldn’t help myself. Hypnosis – for sure. But she mind-fucked me, big-time. I LOVE YOU GODDESS. I do! I really do. I love her. I adore….she is absolute perfection. My greatest desire is – mmm?
Where was I? …‘to please Goddess Marquesa in every……..’…just to be seen with her in public. To have the world know that she was prepared to be seen with me in public. The Met. Or La Scala….the thrill, the gigantic ego-kick of having such a divine creature on my arm… well, of being HER slave – & having EVERYONE THERE know it…… To be able to display myself to the world as her slave. Here, look at me. This divine creature owns me. I am HER slave. I am her devoted submissive. She is my Domme. I worship HER.. I adore HER. I LOVE HER. I’d have stripped naked if she’d bothered to command it… myself – collared & caged. HER slave. Her creature. Obedient. Adoring. Loving. Totally at her beck & call. She’s stunning. Dressed to perfection – as always. God, she’s got style. I LOVE HER. She’s such a cruel, heartless, uncaring bitch. If only…. I just cannot exist without HER.”
‘…sole purpose of my existence, is to please……’
“…………if I could just get enough together to stop saying it….. Implanted hypnotically. She’s an expert. Then, the live session….. I was just blown away. She was breathtaking. I hadn’t expected…… Just perfection. AND SHE KNEW IT. Those video sessions. Deeper & deeper. I was so happy. In love. I LOVE YOU GODDESS MARQUESA. Pussy whipped. Completely under her cunt control. And loving every second of it…….
She’ll be back soon…. oh Christ. She’s gonna break me again. Said so. Make me obey. Complete surrender. Hah. Surrender, is right. But not hypnotically. Not even post-hypnotic. She said so.
‘…your full, utter, grovelling, self-abasing submission to me. Total, humiliating, demeaning abasement. Fully conscious of what you are doing. Of what I, your Goddess Marquesa, am making you do. Your little nipples squeezed until you scream with pain & surrender. Crushing your balls while I put more juice through your cock, and you do EVERY SINGLE THING I tell you to do. Say EVERY SINGLE THING I tell, you to say. Think EVERY SINGLE THING I tell you to think.”
‘…..obey GODDESS MARQUESA without…..’
“…I knew – or thought I did – what I was in for when she instructed me [ha! who am I kidding] – allowed me to come here. Getting a US visa was tricky especially in a rush at short notice. Rang her from De Gaulle…..put me under & took off the tube – firstt time in months – except for those live video sessions – even then, she wouldn’t let me come without a ‘tribute’ Jesus.
I’d have paid more – she knew it, too. Jane was a bit concerned. I was just so obsessed with my divine Goddess Mistress Keyholder MARQUESA. I so love adore & worship you GODDESS…..”
‘…..owns me. I belong to her, I am her….’
“….then rang when I reached LAX…..put me straight back into it – in my luggage. Turned up here next day – I think. Her dungeon she called it…..Jesus! She was – is breathtakingly beautiful. I couldn’t help myself. Just knelt down – right on her doorstep. Kissed her shoes. Just HAD to do it. Show how submissive & adoring I was. AM.
Stripped & onto that fucking strapped table. Tighter than a trussed chicken. Stretched open & available. I sort of expected the clips on my nipples…..but that electrode thing on me…..
‘Your first session, my pet….’
Told me she was going to get to know me. She sure did that. Comments all the time.
‘Ooooo you like that, don’t you my litttttle puppet. Hmmmm? How about this……? mmmmm? Not so much – well, we’ll have to make some alterations won’t we…? Hmmmm? Now – ohhhhh YES! You really like that, don’t you, slave? Some more…? Ohhh yes, you LOVE that! Let me tell you my pet, SOOOOO do I! You have potential, my poppet. Let’s see how well you’ve learned your lessons. Hmmm? If you make a mistake – well, you’ll soon find out…. and some new instructions. One click. Two click. Three click. Hmmmm? No touchie. Ever! Just your tongue. & your nose – it’s quite a big nose isn’t it, slave? A big honk! I don’t like it much. But we’ll put it to good use….Hmmmm?’
I LOVE you Goddess. I belong to YOU. For ever. I will obey you without question……..
Told me all hypnosis is ‘self hypnosis’. First sessions……sort of knew what was going on…….“Surrender……” she said…….all a bit hazy. Then those two sessions – Moon & Keyholder……every day – I was under, then…..but still sort of aware. In that fucking chastity tube….but I sort-of liked it ‘cos I was obeying HER, pleasing HER.
‘…..I adore Goddess Marquesa
I love Goddess Marquesa….’
….but the first live video call….after the personalised sessions – softened me up…& boy didn’t I LOVE it… love HER….besotted…just lost…sooo happy. Sitting in front of the computer – waiting for her to come on line…..naked – except for the tube [of course]…..wearing a collar –bought a dog collar especially [as instructed] and THERE SHE WAS….breath-taking. Beautiful. Divine. Straight away, SHE told me to take of the tube. What a relief…..and told me to ‘show her…’ just stood up in front of the camera – just did what she told me….wanted to….boner like a piece of iron [after 3 months even at my age – SHE always makes me hard……………..
And the next thing I knew, nearly an hour had passed & was back in the tube!!!!! No recollection.
THAT was a real trance……couldn’t remember a bloody thing. Cruel bitch. Just laughed. Told me not to worry……if I ever wanted to know what had happened, she’d send me the film……I was well & truly hooked. Tribute every time I wanted to play the video. Panties. HER panties……& the tape – ‘Panty Playtime’ – more tribute…… Then she decided [who knows why….?] to put a tag on my tube. Made me show her the number – standing up close to the camera….just so she could confirm……allowed to remove it ‘…only in session, my poppett….’ after due ceremony & worship, plus, of course, tribute – yeah…….
Wonder what she’s doing – just watching me I guess….& that Julie….she’s quite something but I adore GODDESS, I LOVE Goddess. GODDESS owns me. I cannot live without her. I DO NOT WANT TO BE FREE…….EVER! all I want is to please GODDESS MARQUESA…’s the sole purpose……
‘…..Goddess Marquesa controls my…..’
I wonder how long I’ve been like this…..seems long – but can’t tell….my mind is so fucked up….I LOVE her. I ADORE her. She is the sole reason for my existence……I am here to PLEASE her in every way…..I could take a look –
SHE instructed me to keep my eyes shut until she told me to open them…..& say my lesson ’til she told me to stop…………….I know it’s part of the technique…HER technique, but I cannot resist….I don’t want to. I just want to obey. To submit. To please her…………She’d know…..she always knows….then it’d be something nasty or something else nasty – CHOOSE, SLAVE!
I wond…….’
“Listen to me slave…… STOP! & open your eyes my obedient little poppet…& look at me……”
“Ohhh, I just loooove that look….his little pecker wobbling with delight. THAT does a girl a deal of good……………..I’m on fire. I just love the way I look when I’m ready for the kill. For a slave’s culmination. Queening. He’s ready….well, that’s an understatement….. he’s been ready for the past hour. But now…..NOW… I’m ready. Going to surrender completely now…. Utter humiliating debasing surrender. Ultimate act – acts my dear, my poppet – acts of total abasement. There’s nothing left after this. You’ll never forget what you did. What I made you do. What you WANTED to do… What I, GODDESS KEYHOLDER MISTRESS MARQUESA – YOUR owner…..
An act of total self-mortification & depraved, demeaning submission. TO ME. Because I can….. make you do ANY THING I TELL YOU…Michael Snell. To show how completely & utterly you belong to ME!!! I OWN you. Mind. Body. Soul. AND then, my obedient slave – after you have proved to us both JUST HOW HELPLESSLY ENSLAVED YOU REALLY ARE (not to mention how your divine mistress popped her pussy to the point of passing out – I bet I doooo, I just know it’s gonna happen – I’m soooo ready for this….)
….then slave Michael, then, you’re gonna learn what a conditioned reflex is….
Six words. three for reward – levels 1 through 3 & three for punishment.
Lacing table, plus slave Michael all neatly wired up to Mistress Marquesa’s mind altering Folsom & TENS to learn six words.
OH YES!!!!!
You’ll learn those words & what effect they can have on you, my poppet.
Only I can give you the pleasure you crave. Only I can make you feel the way you yearn to feel. The brain is the largest sex organ my poppet, even in a man. And only I can provide the most exquisite pleasure – complete pleasure if I choose. And only I can inflict the most terrifying pain…… C’est moi, my poppet. I shall train you. To respond – like a little Pavlov puppy – to those magical words…..which I shall use to rule the rest of your life. I’ve always wanted to do this to a slave. And when I realised how suggestible you are [such a vivid imagination my poppet] & how completely you respond to NLP – To MY NLP. I don’t know how long it will take. But, hey, we have plenty of time….. And I can always use you for R&R if I need it.
Yes, the perfect ‘conditioned reflex’. Irresistible. Fool-proof. Perfect. I just knew you were perfect. Why, perhaps, one day, I might consider using you, my adoring zombie, for MY secret fantasy….. which I am not sure really exists – buried sooo deep….but it might be THE ultimate fantasy……………MY ultimate fantasy…………..
GODDESS MARQUESA smiled. A smile of pure animal carnality & lust, her eyes alight with libidinous fire as she met her slave’s adoring, submissive, fearful gaze….
A resounding SNAP!
Still gazing adoringly…..helplessly, into her eyes, the slave slid from the chair & knelt before her, his tongue caressing the toe & sole of her boot……..
Author – Mychael
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