Posted by Krystal Mesmer
In one of My Wow! What a Man postings, I revealed an inescapable truth I’m irresistibly implanting in your memories and consciousness:
There are some striking similarities between renowned Dodgers baseball broadcaster Vin Scully and superb Spellbinder Dommes. Yes!
Here are a few entrancing traits Hall of Famer Vin Scully shares with heart-stopping HypnoDommes:
A SIGNATURE VOICE. Many folks who’ve heard Vin masterfully call some baseball games can effortlessly recognize his unmistakable voice. And one of a dazzling Domme’s prime persuasions is developing and unleashing Her unique voice. Those She enthralls succumb! surrender! and submit! to Her tantalizingly talented tongue, thrilling throat, and so much more which goes into successfully perfecting Her ensorcelling sound.
EXPERIENCED. Scully has called baseball games since the 1950’s. During these decades, he’s seen all sorts of things take place on and off the field. All the things he’s seen have helped to shape him into the broadcaster he’s been and he is. Likewise, a fine Hypnodomme calls upon all Her hypnotic and sexual and sensualities and psychological experiences to assist Her in alluring, connecting with, compelling, guiding, etc each individual She entrances.
ECCLECTIC. While describing what’s going on in the games, Vinny often refers to famous historical events, people, literature, art, music, and much more. And a Domme can incorporate all She knows about the various aspects of life to increase Her abilities to influence, control, dominate, and inspire those who freefall under Her spell even more so and more often.LOVES WHAT HE DOES. While listening to Vin Scully inform and entertain his audiences, his love of baseball and of calling ball games Krystal clearly comes through. I’ve noticed that those who stick with being a lifestyle Domme or a ProDomme or both–do so because blissfully beguiling submissives continues being such a titillating turn-on.
WORDSMITH. The way Scully seamlessly weaves together concise, accurate, picturesque descriptions of the games he’s watching with baseball history, allusions to the fine arts, his life experiences, and other things is truly wonderful to listen to. And being a mesmerizing storyteller certainly gives a HypnoDomme a luxurious leg up when it comes to marvelously magnetizing each person who swoons under Her scintillating sway subjugating Her subjects are subjects of study subject to Her wits, wiles, and wishes.KNOWS HOW TO ATTRACT AND FOCUS ATTENTION ON THE MOMENT. Sometimes when a pivotal play is approaching, Vin Scully will say something like this. “And the crowd’s reaction will let all you fine folks at home know what happens after this next pitch.” And when the crowd responds to what comes to pass on the field, Vinny often takes a few moments to let the reaction of the fans in the stands tell everyone not in the stadium what has transpired.
Vinny knows how to use words to paint a picture of what’s going on. And he is also adept at letting the fans in the seats reveal what’s going on far better than any announcer ever could.Knowing what to use and when and how to use it to deliciously draw a specific subbie’s focus intoxicatingly into Her hedonistically and/or hypnotically hexing them is a sumptuous skill each worthwhile Domme values and crafts. And when She can wisely and winningly witch-craft this capability–oh! how wonderful it is.
It turns Me on when one of My postings stimulates You/you to send Me thoughtful questions, comments, and suggestions.
Oh yes, there’s one more thing. Now tell Me the truth: When I reminded you that there are luscious links between Vin Scully and HypnoDommes, did you suspect I might be pulling your leg? If that’s what you erroneously assumed, one question is: “How should I literally pull your leg for assuming such a ridiculous thing?
And whether or not you’re too shy to properly beg Me to pull your leg, spank yourself for ever doubting Me–until I command you to stop.
If you know of someone you feel may be a worthy candidate for My “WOW! WHAT A MAN” or “WOW! WHAT A WOMAN” series, drop Me a line all about them at My krystal@ladymesmer.com email address or submit it to My hypnodomme@goddessmarquesa.com one. If what you send titillates Me, I’ll use it and reward you.
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