EYYE choose to share with you wizzdom EYYE’ve gleaned through many, many years of working with men…years of..bringing Heel!! — of bringing them..under MYY Kontrol annd..innto MYYY Powwerr..NOOWWW!!...Evverry mann — including “Alpha males” and men boasting great physical strength — evenn bullies — *ALLLL* men share one important trait in commonWhich izzz?It’s juust *THISSS*:
Evvven those angry bulls..snort and paw the ground…

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Valentine Training

I arrived at her condo at exactly the time she commanded. Valentine’s Day is of course special, but I had learned not to be late, or early, to any appointment with her. She expected to be obeyed. That troubled me, but not so much that I had thought twice about accepting her invitation. If I had gone against her orders, it was more likely that I would have showed up early than late. It had been a week since I had last seen her, and I could barely contain my excitement. Read more…

DANIELLE Part 2 – The Whipping

i hesitated, “Ten!” i finally replied, figuring it would be a reasonable and safe answer.

“Ten?” Mistress Danielle asked, as if astonished, and considering my answer to be self-serving.  She replied:  “I really don’t think that’s nearly enough for such an impudent slave.”  You need more to get a better understanding of your need to obey My commands implicitly.  Twenty it will be – a very lenient number indeed!  You shall count and thank me for each lash, of course, just like those hapless slaves I reads about in bondage magazines.” Read more…


“Gather ye rosebuds while ye may…”

That was the advice of the poet, and I have followed it all My life.

Of course, by “rosebuds” I mean assholes. Every part of My slaves’ bodies is Mine, but the rosebud is special. Next to the mind, the rosebud is the most precious gateway of My Dominance. Read more…


NOTE:  This is what, at first reading, to anyone but Mistress Marquesa, appears to be a rather ‘standard’ B&D/S&M fantasy – One that was written for Marquesa’s personal amusement by slave greg some time ago.

It was dutifully read, enjoyed, and stored away along with other B&D memorabilia at the time.  She had gotten an extra surge of enjoyment from this story at the time because it revealed, very openly, to Her some of slave greg’s more ‘secret’ and unspoken inner needs – some that She had not felt a strong need or particular urgency to explore in his nature before.  Now, without any prodding or effort on Her part, She knew the power She could hold over him – to use whenever She felt the need arise. Read more…


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