She told me to dress casual but nice. i desperately needed to find some khaki pants, ones that would not show the continual stains of my pre-cum. i looked in my closet and found some black Haggar pants, however, the stain was very noticeable in those. i had to settle on a pair of cream colored pants and i chose a black short sleeve soft cotton shirt. The cream colored pants soaked through just as much, however less noticeably. Finally, i was ready. i went to my car and quickly unlocked the door, started my car and proceeded to follow Her directions. She was all i could think about, i was just about involved in two or three accidents basically because i was daydreaming. i tried to listen to the radio….first a sports talk show, then a hard rock station but to no avail! Finally, i just turned the radio off. Quiet was best….too much distraction was going to get me into an accident! Read more…