They had met two years before when she was a graduate, fresh out of engineering school, and he owned a medical supply company. She came to him with this great new invention. Marta s electronic sensory mechanism could control pain, reduce anxiety, and help people change their habits: quit smoking, drink less and stop using drugs. She wasn’t finished, however. She needed money for more equipment to complete her research and testing. She had asked the owner of the company, Tony DiPaglia, for a little more money to develop her project, telling him that it could be his biggest money maker. Tony had just looked at her, laughed and said, Untried invention. Untried inventor. No, I won t invest my money in your project but since you are such a cutie, I will give you enough money for a week or two in a hotel. Of course I would expect you to be real, real nice to me . . . you know what I mean. . . .  Read more…