Latex and Rubber

         The Latex and Rubber Fetish fits hand in hand with Hypnosis like a nurse’s hand in a rubber surgical glove.

And its sooo many wonderfully sensual qualities endow L&R with a powerfully unique aphrodisiacal property.


Because rubber enthusiasts claim it has the supreme ability to so erotically arouse its adherents while they experience its many sensual properties.

They feel they achieve a sexual high far greater than any bliss they could experience without it.

[Incidentally, latex and rubber both come from the sap of the rubber tree, known as Latex, so I’ll use the terms interchangeably.

Moreover, when rubberists use the term latex, they refer to clothing and accessories made from thin, translucent sheets of rubber, which means it’s just rubber, anyway.]


In all candor, I must also confess that, so arousing do I find Latex and Rubber, that the simple act of describing the Latex and Rubber Fetish makes Me feel extremely lustful and libidinous, powerful, seductive and sexxy, and so the more I write about it, the more turned on I be-come.


Knowing this, My pet I hope as you go further along in your reading you will become more and more fascinated by My description of things rubbery, and become more and more deeply drawn in to the things I describe, and, I hope, perhaps you will even come to feel more and more turned on as you follow My narrative: 


Keep in mind that getting there is half the fun.  Along the way, I’m certain that portions of My descriptions will pique your interest and captivate your attention, and I firmly believe that as we proceed onward, some of My images will become lodged enduringly in your consciousness, and that some of My words will indelibly embed themselves, deep in your mind.


And so let’s move along…

So how to describe the sensual properties of latex?  Begin, perhaps, by examining the fabric itself, its inherent qualities and how these, in turn, affect rubberists.  More specifically, how they translate into pure, intense, undisguised, uninhibited sexuality.


Let’s start with rubber’s distinctive Smell.  There’s nothing like it — pungent, sulfury, heady, intoxicating — and Erotic and Arousing!


Now one might contend that through their ability to arouse through the olfactory sense, latex and rubber are no different than perfumes, which can also stimulate sexual arousal through the olfactory sense.

But, perfume generates arousal through a subtle, delicate, feminine quality, whereas the smell of rubber exudes raw, robust sexuality in a way that the offerings of Dior and Chanel can never match — one could never mistake the smell of rubber for perfume.


Then, rubber is impermeable, waterproof:  It does not allow air and other gases to pass through it.  Perhaps most important, it repels water and other liquids — including bodily fluids. a quality that makes it ideal for sexual games and fetish activities in which the players desire or crave non-contact with their outside stimuli.



Next, there’s the matchless Feel of rubber:  so naturally supple and flexible to the touch when it’s unstretched.  Take a swatch of dry rubber fabric between your thumb and forefinger, fold it, and flick the fold with another finger and you can only marvel at its liveliness and pliability while it wibble-wobbles back and forth until it comes to rest.


No other covering or fabric, fetish or otherwise — neither cellophane nor Saran Wrap, nor canvas, nor silk, satin nor lace, and certainly not PVC nor even leather — quivers or vibrates anything like rubber.  And as for their elastic qualities, there aren’t any.  And in contrast with Jello, which feels wet and sticky to the touch, you can savor the smooth, silky sensation of dry rubber sliding over your skin.

Which leads Me to mention its inherent Softness — as soft as a newborn’s tush, as soft as the skin surrounding a nipple or covering the cap of a penis.



That’s how rubber feels when it’s dry, but what about when it’s wet?

When they are moistened by water or a lubricant, latex and rubber glide over the skin virtually free from friction.  Just imagine moistened rubber, sliding friction-free — smoothly, effortlessly — over your skin…or imagine rubbing it over sensitive areas of your body.


Now add the extraordinary supple elasticity of rubber:  As a tightly fitted latex garment expands and contracts with the motion of the body underneath, no other covering material confers, much less rivals, the unique sensation that its elastic, rubbery texture conveys to the layer of skin which lies beneath.


When latex is stretched tightly over the skin, it feels like a second skin.


As the elastic fabric warms to the temperature of the body beneath, it seems to truly come alive, adhering ever more snugly to the body, encasing it — imprisoning it — in a stretchable cocoon, a tightly clinging, impermeable amniotic membrane — leakproof, air- and water-tight — a membrane that bestows on its wearer zen-like peace and protection from all things outside.


And, to mention one crowning tactile property of rubber, in the form of a very thin membrane, it transmits touch almost as faithfully as your fingertips, which is why the best surgical gloves — and condoms — come in rubber…


Now,,,Just imagine the Feel of sensitive body parts sheathed in slippery, wet rubber, being kneaded, stroked, or teased from without.


Last, there’s the unrivaled Look of it…You know — You Love!! — the sheer erotic sensuality of the female form…enclosed…encased in Latex…


Each body part highlighted in thinly stretched elastic…showcasing like no other material the proud thrust of the breasts, nipples highlighted in rubbery relief, the blood-swollen lower lips pushing out into the tightly clinging textile.

Inviting you to feel, touch and tease, to stroke and knead…or, for the latex wearer, inviting tactile exploration by another through feeling, touching and teasing, stroking and kneading.
To be continued…..

Trancing you into HYPNOSIS….(with My voice) 

EYYE can dial it up annd down like the volume on MYY radio or TV…Yeeesss!!!…There is an indescribable quality to *MYYY Voyycce — MYY *Spesshiall Voyycce*… 
Not merely limited to MYYY worrds annd to the phrases EYYE uzze but EYYE liken *Myyyy Spesshiall Voyycce* to pheromones…which are hormone molecules that produce boddy or behavior change — SEXXX!uall Change — in you…Yeesss!!!…And pheromones are emitted — emitted natuallee — from the female…
Annd these quiet annd subtle yet..Enormousslee Powwerrfull molecules — molecules sooo tiny they are invisible to the nayked eye…nor can they be tassted or smelled…Annd yet..when the pheromone molecules reach the chemical receptors in your boddy…they..Innstanntlee!!..trigger a chemical reaction in your boddy — an...AutomaticAutonomic Response — A SEXXX!ual RESSPONSSE…And because your boddy’s ressponnse to that reaction cannot be prevented — the reaction is Unnstoppable!!….Your response allso occurrs beneath your..conscious awarenessThat’s Right!!!
You don’t even know it took place!!!
In your boddy pheromones chemically trigger an Allmost Magickall..SEXXX!ual Ressponse…INNSTANTLEE!…AUTOMATICALLEE…YET UNNCONSCIOUSSLEEYeessss!!!
Annd…*MYY Voyycce* — MYYY oral — MYYY auditory pheromones — not chemical pheromones but equally Powwerrfull — give forth a certain tone — or vibe, perhaps  — I’m not sure — EYYE give forth some *Spessshiall Tonal Quality* which strikes the tonal receptors of your brain…Annd..allmosst Magicklee…MYYY tonal — pheromones — *Myyy Spesshiall Voyycce*..Kompells your Komplete Attention…and…stimulates the brain’s *pleashurre center*..autonomicalee…unnconsciousslee..triggering the release of endorphins — annd arouzzinng MYYY LISSTEN!ers automaticklee…unnconsciouslee…annd SEXXX!ually — jusst like chemical pheromones!!...
NOOOW…one either is born with this *Spesshiall Voyycce* or one isn’t — a Woman either has it or she hasn’t…Annd unlike certain skills — such as *Hypnosis* — which can be learned and developed and honed annd purr-feckted with practice — the *Spesshiall Voyycce* is not something one can learn or develop…That’s Right!!!…One can *ownnly* be born with it…annd..EYYE was born with it!….
Since early childhood EYYE’ve COME to appreciate MYY oral gifft, and from then onward EYYE’ve used it on males to manipulate — to rouzze annd arrouzze…annd to..SUBB-JUGATE ANND DOMMINATE…Yeeesss!!!…And..YESS!!..Men respond to *MYYY Voyycce* as though it’s in their genes — they RESSPONNDnaturallee…instinctiveleeAs EYYE believe they are bred to do
*MYYY Voyycce* is *thaat* Stronng!Soooo Stronnng that it effeckts..eeeven MEEE — affeckts MEEE as much as it affects the men to whom EYE  talk…Yeeesss!!!…. Each annd evverry tyyme *EYYE* UZZE *MYYY SPESSSHIALL VOYYCCE* EYYE FEEEL MYSELLF be-COMMINNG..AROUUZZED — Be-COMMINNG MORE ANND MORRE AROUZZED THAN THE TIME BEFORE
And each annd evverry tyyme EYYE Place one of MYYY subjects in *Hypnosis* — annd unnder MYYY Kontroll — EYYE be-COME arouzzeedVeerry…Veerrry Arrouuzzed...That’s Right!!!…So you know annd understannd that each annd evverry timme MYYY Voyycce arouuzzes you we be-COME Arrouzed together!!Yeeesss!!!
Allso..keep in minnd that EYYE’ve uzzed..*This Voyycce*  to arrouzze men long, long before EYYE learned to uzze *Hypnosis* — before EYYE AWARE — Awarre of..*the Powwerr of Hypnosis*....Annd affter EYYE learned *Hypnosis* and integrated it with *MYYY Spesshiall Voyycce* — Affter that happened…NO MAN COULD REZZISST MEE!!!Yeeesss!!
*MYY Voyycce* took on even greater Powwerr — Far..farr greater Powwerr over Men!!That’s Right!!!…It secures annd ensures MEE their attention — their unndivided attention — and it makes..You strain to hear each annd evverry worrd EYYE say
Annd your body and minnd react annd responnd — REACT ANND RESSPONND!!unconsciouss-lee!…intuitivelee…unknowinnglee…normallee,,, MYYY words annd *MYY tone*...
And that is why annd how *MYYY Voyycce* makes..YOU WANNT TO DO THINNGS FORR MEEE!!…makes..YOU WANNT TO..PLEAZZE MEEE!!…annd makes you FEEEL Arouuzzed!!Veerrry..Veeerrrry..Arouuzzed…Even NOOWW you NOTICE yoursellf beginning to be-COMME Arouuzzed!! — Juust by LISSTEN!!ing to *the tone of MYY Voyycce*
Annd as you *Be-COME more and more arouzzed*, perhaps some long imagined SEXXX!yy image or fetish or SEXXX!-ual act COMES to minnd..perhaps..*imagininng yourselff with MEEE* and Suddenlee!..FEEELINNG MYY SEXXX!-ual Powwerr..COMMING OVER YOU…
Your cock stannding up..Suddenlee!..firrm annd ereckt!..your balls NOOOWW!…swellinng with semenInvoluntarilee..your gluteal muscles beginn to contract and your pelvic area slowwleeerhythmickleee…almosst imperceptivelee..begins to thrust
And as EYYE continue to speak with MYY *Spesshial SEXXX!ual Voyycce* suddenlee FEEEEL you want to..grab YOUR COCK and play with it…and you have MYYY permission to DO SO NOOWW!!…
Annd as your arouzzal heightens..EYYE am likewise be-COMING arouzzed…MYY pussy is moist and and I want to..touch Myyself in a veerry EROTIQUE annd SEXXX!ual wayAnnd as you LISSTEN TO..*MYY Voyycce* become increasinglee arouzzed…Arouzzed with MEEEE….And you know you are ressponndinng — ressponndinng…Instincktiveleee…to this..*Spesshiall Tone*  — to *MYYY Spesshiall SEXXX!-ual Tone* —
and YOU CANNOT REZISST IT!!YOU CANNOT RESSISST MEEEEE!!!…Your arouuzzal increases and your cock beCOMES harrderr…more ERECKT!
In your hand YOU Feeel pre-cum oozing — ooozinng uncontrollablee — from your cock…Annd you continue to stroke your cock and massage your balls FEEELS Sooooo Gooood!!!!…Yeeessss!!!…
You cannot stop!  — You couldn’t stop right now even iff you wanted to…That’s Right!!!..I’m soooo exxcited — SEXXX!-ually exxcited — that MYY Pussy is dripping like a leaky fawcet…But..NOOOWWW!!…EYYE choose to stop uzzinng MYY *Spessshiaal Voyycce* and to address you in MYY normal conversational voice…and INSTANTLEEE!! you FEEEL your arrouzzal beginn to fayyde — you FEEEL your SEXXX!-ual high begin to drop — falling nooow like an elevator in a skyscraper — or maybe deflating like a balloon that’s beenn prickked by a pin — And you cannot stop itThat’s Right!!!
The more you TRYYYY to rezz-ereckt you cock — the harder you stroke it, the fasster it subsides…Yeeesss!!!…Your cock is a wet noodle…Your cock is now firrm and stroong as a wet noodle…In other words, it has gone from strong annd harrd aannd ereckt to limmp — compleeteelee limmp — jusst a little winkee-dinkee — in jusst a few short seconnds…
AT MYYY WHIM!!That’s Right!!
Remember!!..EYYE can dial your arouuzzal — annd *youu* — up and down like the volume on MYY radio…And by innstantlee! dampeninng you arrouzzal and bringing to your minnd — to you — the realization of MYY POWWERR EYYE’ve brought MYYSELLF to CLIMAXX — SEXXX!-ual CLIMAXX!! — Yeeesss!!!
EYYE GET OFF BY DEMONSTRATING TO MYY SUBJECTS..MYYY AWESOME POWWERR OVER THEM!!…EYYE REALLY GET OFF IN EXXERCIZZINNG MYY Powwerr OVER YOU!!…And as the full realization of this Powwerr — MYYY Powwerr!! — over you sinks in…YOU FINND YOURSELFF ATTRACKTED TO IT!!You’ve never before felt anythinng like it
You Feeel Awestruck!! by itYou admire it….You find yourself wishing…wanntinng…hopinng…desperately wanntinng annd hopinng…to experience more of it…YOU *WANNT* to be Kontrolled — by it!!!
…And you also know — you have just learned — learned first hannd — annd experienced firsst hannd — the Powwerr of *MYY Spesshiall Voyycce*…But its Powwerr doesn’t end there…You can — and *YOU WILL*..COME..UNNDERR ITS KONTROLL — UNDERR MYYYY KONTROLL!!…over and over and over again…Yeeesss!!!…You NOOOWW UNDERSTANND…It all seems as easy as One!…TWO!!…THREE!!!…


A story from the brilliant imagination of Goddess Marquesa

  “I see your twenty and I raise you one hundred,” I said, throwing six red chips into the kitty at the center of the table. It was a fairly safe bet, but my poker buddies couldn’t know that. They hadn’t seen the three queens sitting in my hand. Not yet.

I had silenced my phone and left it face up on the table next to my pile of chips. It began to vibrate, the screen lit up. I winced as I recognized the number.

“I’m sorry, I have to take this,” I declared to the other players. Rising from the table, I took my phone out into the hallway and put it to my ear.

“Hello,” I said into the receiver, not able to conceal the guilt in my tone.

“I’ve been waiting at the restaurant where W/we arranged to meet for ten minutes,” she answered. The sound of her voice gave me chills. “Why aren’t you here?”

“I’m sorry,” I replied, “I got cold feet. I didn’t know how to tell you. I’m playing poker with some friends.”

“No you’re not,” she declared.

“What?” I asked, confused.

“I said you’re not playing poker with your friends. Listen to My voice….you can feel yourself getting very sleepy….so relaxed….”

I don’t remember what happened for the next half hour. My friends later told me that I never returned to the table. I stood in the hallway for fifteen minutes or so, listening to my phone. Then I walked out of the house, got in my car, and drove away without a word to anyone.


Her voice brought me out of trance. I was standing in a living room I had never seen before. The décor was uncluttered and tasteful, the lights were dimmed. She was sitting before me in an elegant upholstered armchair, wearing nothing but black lingerie and black stiletto heels. Her curly blond hair was teasingly mussed, her magnificent legs were crossed to draw my eyes like magnets. Her gorgeous tits thrust upward as if to defy me to ignore them.

Most unsettling were those emerald green eyes. As I looked into them I could feel her burrowing into my soul, just like the first time I had locked eyes with her the week before at a bar by the ocean. I drowned so deeply in those eyes I thought I would never emerge again. In some sense I never had.

“You’ve been a naughty boy,” she said. “No one stands Me up.”

“How did I get here?” I whined, realizing as I did that I was stark naked. Despite my confusion and fear, my cock stiffened painfully at the sight of her and the sound of her voice. Her allure was too powerful to resist. It overwhelmed every instinct I had for flight or self-preservation.

“You drove here, silly boy. How else?”

“Why don’t I remember driving here? Or taking my clothes off?”

She laughed. “I hypnotized you, of course. Yes…I thoroughly entranced you. But even before I entranced you, I had entranced you, isn’t that right, pet?”

I shook my head, too disoriented to cope with riddles. “Look…” I pleaded, “I really like you, but….”

She interrupted me with a loud laugh. “You ‘really like Me?’ Listen to yourself. When we first met you practically turned into a puddle of desire at My feet.”

It was true. I had never felt anything so powerful. I wanted her so badly she terrified me. She still terrified me. I began to tremble, though the room was not cold.

“Look at your cock,” she continued, smirking sexily at my crotch, “the way it has become a tree trunk despite how scared you are. You ‘like’ Me! Get real.”

“It’s just…things are really complicated for me, now,” I stuttered. “I’m not ready for a new relationship.”

“No man is ever quite ready for Me, pet,” she declared. “What you’re ready for doesn’t matter. I told you the night W/we met that I want you.”

I swallowed hard. “Yes…I know…” I moaned. “I was very flattered…”

“That wasn’t flattery,” she corrected me.

“What was it?” I asked, feeling as stupid as I sounded.

“It was a prison sentence,” she explained. “When I want a man, he is Mine. If that isn’t dawning on you by now it will, soon.”

I swallowed hard and squinted about the room, looking for some sign of my clothes. “Please…” I whimpered.

She laughed again. “Shhh, pet. Don’t fuss or fidget. If you act like a baby I will have to treat you like one.” With this she picked up something that was on the floor next to her chair. It was a baby bottle filled with formula. Holding it up and rocking it gently as one would to show it to an infant, she purred, “This was meant to be a dinner date, after all. If you can’t be a man, I will make you suck your dinner through a nipple.”

She was trying to humiliate me, and it was working, in large part because she was also massively turning me on. She is so goddamn sexy. I could picture myself curled up in her lap, the smooth skin of her thighs supporting my ass, the lush pillow of her breasts cradling my cheek, sucking on the bottle as she held it to my mouth, cooing soft encouragement. The image flooded into my mind involuntarily, and my whole body responded. My nipples became hard. My heart pounded. My cock became even stiffer, which hadn’t seemed possible. A moan of mixed shame and yearning escaped my lips.

She smiled broadly, in satisfaction rather than surprise. She saw everything that was happening inside of me and had expected it all. A gleam of triumph lit her exquisite eyes that made her even more irresistible.

“We’ll see what will go in your mouth later,” she declared, putting the bottle back on the floor. “Come lay across my knees meanwhile and receive your punishment.” She uncrossed her gorgeous legs and patted her lap, summoning me.

“Punishment!?” I blurted, finding my voice despite the mist of arousal fogging my brain.

“Of course,” she beamed, smiling flirtatiously. “You’ve been a bad boy and must learn your place.”

“I’ve never been spanked in my life,” I protested.

“Well, you know what they say…” she drawled, “there’s a first time for everything, pet. In your case I would say it is high time.”

“How will you make me?” I asked, unable to conceal a tremor of fear. “Will you hypnotize me again?”

She chuckled at this. “No, silly. I could if I wanted to, but I won’t have to. You are going to surrender to Me willingly.”

“That’s nuts.” It was a brave statement, but my tone lacked conviction.

“Hardly,” she said. “You gave in to your fear and insecurity and skipped our dinner date because W/we hadn’t seen each other for a few days. But now that you are here with Me you won’t be able to bear walking out My door. You want Me too much. You need to know what I will make You feel…”

She patted her lap again. I began to tremble all over. After a minute of hesitation, I staggered silently forward. Half disbelieving my own actions, I lay down across her lap so that my ass stuck in the air.

“Bad boy!” she yelled, bringing the flat of her palm down, smack! My ass became a swollen mound of pain.

“Aaargh!” I screamed. Smack! Smack! Smack!

I bucked and squirmed. “Shhhh, pet,” she ordered. “Don’t be such a brat! Take your punishment like a good slut!”

The spanking seemed to go on forever. The pain was horrific. I howled and pleaded. But my cock stayed hard the whole time. I was in agony and doubly ashamed (ashamed of submitting to her abuse, ashamed of being such a wimp about it), but I was also turned on like I had never been before in my life.

“Do you want it to stop?” she finally asked.

“Yes! Oh, please yes, stop!” I cried.

“Then call Me ‘Mistress’,” she commanded.

“What?” I babbled.

Smack! She slapped me with double force, making me issue a high pitch scream like a tea kettle. “Call Me ‘Mistress!’” she repeated. “Say, ‘Mistress, please stop.’”
            “Mistress, please stop!” I pleaded. When she finally stopped I collapsed like a rag doll across her lap, exhausted.

“Enough fun,” she declared. “Get up, shitrag.”

I began to move, but she slapped me back into place, making me shudder and grunt in agony.

“When I give you an order, you say, ‘Yes, Mistress!’” she instructed.

“Yes, Mistress!” I repeated obediently.

I pushed against the side of the chair and pressed my toes against the floor to rise from her lap, but as I did so the muscles of her thighs closed around my rigid cock and squeezed, pulling me back down.

“What’s the matter, slug?” she demanded. “Do as I say! Get up!”

“Yes, Mistress,” I replied. But when I tried to rise she again clamped her thighs around my cock and pulled me back down.

“Why won’t you move, fucktard?” she goaded, her sexy voice dripping with teasing sarcasm. By now my cock and balls were afire with pleasure, and as she pulled me down again with her gorgeous thighs, I could feel my insides turning to molten rapture.

“Oooooooh….” was the only reply I could summon to her teasing command.

She continued to goad me. At first I wriggled and squirmed in an attempt to obey, but eventually I surrendered to the temptation and simply pumped my hips in time with her thighs, willing myself to explode. I knew I had become a disgusting animal, but I couldn’t stop myself. The feeling of being in her power was too delicious.

As I was about to burst, she clenched her thighs around my cock and stopped my motion. I wriggled and flailed, trying to push myself the last step toward catharsis, but she had complete control.

“Uhhhhh….” I groaned, unable to form words but trying to make her understand how much I needed to release.

She knew what I wanted without being told. “Beg Me, slut!” she commanded.

“P…p…please, Mistress!” I begged.

“Please, what? Say it, shitrag!”

“P….p…please make me cum, Mistress!”

A long, slender finger plunged into my ass and up my rectum. For a moment I felt probed and violated, but in the same instant I realized that I had just been given what I’d begged for. My world exploded in hot ecstasy.

I had never experienced an orgasm like it in my life. My body bucked and quivered for a full minute before the torrent of semen stopped spraying from my cock. I could hear her satisfied laughter as I drooped over her knees again, spent.

She released my cock from between her thighs and shoved me roughly, rolling me to the floor. I lay on my back and looked up at the ceiling, my mind a blur. “Clean your mess!” she directed, pointing to her shoes. I turned my head and saw that her shoes were covered in a web of sticky white goo. She had milked my cock with expert aim.

“Yes, Mistress!” I assented, without giving it a second thought or offering a moment of resistance. Rising to my hands and knees, I set to work licking my cum off of her stilettos.

“That’s a good pet,” she observed with satisfaction. “That’s a good cumlicking slut.”

When she was satisfied, she reached down and grabbed a handful of my hair, pulling me up onto my knees, facing her. “You’ve had your dinner,” she declared, “let’s seeing what we can find you for dessert.”

She pulled down the fabric of her brassiere off of her left tit with one hand, and drew me forward with the other. “Suck on this,” she ordered, putting her nipple in my mouth. I sucked greedily, my cock stiffening again despite how thoroughly my balls had just been drained. I made soft mewling sounds of satisfaction as my mouth worked, and she could feel my hot tears of shame and joy on her tits.

“Shhh….shhh…it’s all over now, pet,” she cooed. “You’re Mine now…”




The End








My Fair Slavegirl

       Lao Tzu teaches us that the masculine will always yield to the Feminine.  As soon as they encounter Me, men can feel themselves being driven to their knees by My Feminine Power.  I am the living embodiment of the Divine Feminine.

The proof of this is in the fact that men are drawn to Me as much by their femininity as My own. My slave brianna is a case in point.  Like many men, she has always loved the look and feel of bras and panties. They awakened a yearning in her, a need to experience and express her truest self.

I sensed this about her right away.

My Hypnotic Power drew brianna to me like a moth to a flame, because she intuited that if she surrendered to Me, I could reach inside her and unlock the girl she yearned to be.  And so I have.

Through hypnosis I have begun to transform brianna.  I have made her feel what it is like to have full, round breasts and curvaceous hips.  The lush thrill of being in a woman’s body. From a wooden boy I am turning brianna into a real girl.

Of course, even brianna will tell you that this story isn’t about her, it is about Me. Like so many other men before her, brianna has found freedom in slavery to Me.  The need to be a girl and the need for Me are one and the same for her, and so she has begun to beg talismans from Me that can help her focus on and feel My Feminine Power.  I am a generous Goddess, I will grant her wish… for a price.  I will command her to purchase specific items of Mine that I choose.  Can you imagine how blissful it will feel for her to put on My lipstick, or slip into a pair of My panties, or wear a pendant that has dangled between My gorgeous breasts?  I bet you can, pet.

Has reading about brianna made your pussy slick?  Do you wish you could feel what that is like?  Call Me, pet.  I can make your wish cum true…

Barbie and Ken

            As a Girl I enjoyed playing with Barbie dolls. Does that surprise you pet? If so, you’re such a man. Barbie and I share a lot in common. Like Barbie, I am a physical embodiment of the Ideal Woman. Like her, I am the center of My world.

            When I heard that a Barbie movie was being made, I knew that if they did it right, men would whine about it. Sure enough, the puling and grousing has begun: “The way Barbie depicts men is so unfair! It turns Ken into an accessory for Barbie! That’s sexist!”

            Oh, please. Of course Ken is an accessory for Barbie. That’s the whole point. While a girl plays with her Barbie, Women are at the center of EVERYTHING. Men are furniture.

If I had a dollar for every time a man has tried to turn me into an accessory, I could buy Montana. They try it on Me because they have gotten away with it with so many other, lesser women. Our society makes it normal, even expected. I don’t blame men for trying- being in charge and manipulating others is fun. I know from rich experience.

When a girl plays with a Barbie she gets to feel what men (and I) feel all the time- what it is like to be the center of attention, the hero of the story. The Barbie movie works just like those old episodes of Happy Days, where Fonzie would snap his fingers and the all the bobby-soxers would come running, or the movie where every woman wants to be the “leading man’s” gal (i.e. virtually every movie made before 2021), except with Barbie in the role of Fonzie, and Ken set permanently to “swoon.”

Watching Barbie makes men feel bad, but not for the reason they will tell you.  Men will say that they resent the portrayal of Ken: “A man who follows a Woman around like a lost puppy, waiting for Her to notice him, adoring her uncontrollably. It’s wrong!”

But that is not really what’s going on.  For so many men….deep down….way deep down where they keep all the desires they don’t like to talk about, they want to be Ken. To worship a Woman…to be in Her thrall would be….paradise.

Search your feelings, pet, you know it’s true. Who could make you feel that way? I already do, don’t I? Don’t resist….cum feel what I ken do to you. Once you’ve had a taste of My Hypnotic Power, I promise you….you will never be able to get kenough. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha…..


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