The sign over the audio store said “MarquesaCo Electronics.” Harry walked in to the store with the intention of buying a great audio system with big powerful speakers but as he entered he looked around and saw all the sales people were women! Every one knows ‘broads’ don’t know anything about speakers! It was too technical….too masculine for ‘broads’! He had to admit the girls looked good, but he wasn’t about to buy a stereo from one of them…maybe a microwave oven…or a refrigerator…but certainly not a stereo! He was about to turn around and leave when a real sexy sales girl walked up and introduced herself. “Hi! Welcome to MarquesaCo. My name is Cynthia. What do you need today?”

“Hi Cindy. I was going to buy a stereo but I guess none of the guy salesmen are here today to help.”

“Well I know a lot about sound systems,” She said, “maybe I could help.”

Harry shook his as he said, “No, I’ll just come back another day,” and turned toward the door. Cynthia used that salesman’s trick where they grab your elbow and steer you. She walked him toward a room marked ‘Demonstration Room One,’ All the while telling him they could look at equipment and he could return again when ‘the guys’ were back at work. Just before they went into the room she stopped and told another of the sexy sales girls to turn on the ‘special system’ for her customer.

The door to the demonstration room clicked shut, leaving them alone in a darkened room. Quietly almost lower than hearing level, a soft driving music with a steady constant beat started playing. At the same time multi-colored lights started to move across the ceiling, seemingly in time with the music. “What do you think of this system? Do you like the bass? Check out the color projection on the ceiling.” Harry looked at the colors, which continued to swirl into a disk-like pattern, circling and circling, as the music got louder. The beat was constant…steady…even…boom, boom, boom…louder, then softer, but always steady…constant…even. Cynthia’s voice, soft and soothing, was part of the pattern. “Harry look at the patterns as they revolve. They draw you in, like deep, soothing water, They draw you down deeper and deeper into their depths. My voice relaxes you….soothes you…relaxes you. Just listen to my voice. Watch the lights….Relax…don’t fight it…you want to relax…you want to listen to MY voice…relax…relax…relax…rest…”

Harry knew something was wrong with what was happening but couldn’t quite put his finger on the problem. It seemed far easier just to relax…to listen to Cynthia’s voice. She was quite attractive, a tall blond, tan with large breasts and full lips.and …her voice was relaxing him.

“It’s so restful here listening to Me and to the music…and to watch the colors…and relax…soon you will start to blink…that is part of the spell that I am weaving around you. With each blink, your eyes will stay closed longer and longer, as you fall into a deep, relaxed, hypnotic sleep…guided and directed by Me…you are getting tired…so tired…so tired…”

He was tired. He couldn’t look away from the colors but his eyes were getting heavy…so hard to keep open. Her voice was so sexy…so soothing…eyes closing…heavy…why couldn’t he keep awake?

“Now when I count to three, harry, yours eyes will close and you will only be able to hear My voice…My soothing…relaxing…commanding…voice. Hear and obey…obey Me…obey… obey…”

She gently rubbed a point near the center of the back of his neck. Her hand was so warm. She stood closer and whispered into his ear, the heat of Her breath stirring a passion in his groin. “Obey Me harry…obey Me! You want to obey Me, don’t you harry? Don’t you? Obey Me…obey me…” That seemed logical to harry…Obey Her!

“That is the way it should be…just obey Her!” Harry could still think. He still knew where he was, but Cynthia’s voice was penetrating deep into his subconscious. “Obey Me…,” She was saying,”… relax…listen…obey…!” And he wanted to obey Her. “Stand perfectly still,” she commanded. The lights went on and suddenly there were six or eight of the sales girls standing around watching him. He wanted to leave. This was all too strange! But She had told him to stand perfectly still and he wanted to obey Her.

“Okay girls, pay attention! This is the ‘special system’ that Mistress Marquesa has built for us. The special combination of lights and sounds entrance mere males so that they obey all commands given by Females, and that is just the way it should be! Now watch what happens when I tell him to buy this stereo from us.”

“Now harry, I’m the smartest person in the world when it comes to stereos and I think it would be a good idea to buy this one,” Cynthia said. Quickly harry removed his walled and handed a credit card to Her saying, ” Well, if you say so. Can You deliver it Tuesday? Swell.” Cynthia spoke again. “When they are in this state men will do anything. They really want to obey but are too afraid or embarrassed to do so without help. They are conscious of their actions, but very suggestible.

“Harry,” She continued, “this pretty red-haired lady will stand in front of you and you want to kiss Her feet. Kneel down before Her, remove Her shoes and kiss Her feet.” Cynthia gestured to the red haired sales person wearing tennis shoes standing in the group. She knew that the shoes would be very fragrant because the sales lady, Rita had been wearing them all day. Rita stood before harry and extended Her right foot. Immediately harry fell to his knees, gently unlaced the shoes and removed them. Putting it to his face, he inhaled the perfume of the shoe and then he kissed and licked Rita’s lovely, delicate feet. First he worshipped the soles, then the heels, Next he licked and sucked on Her toes. To harry they were just like giant nipples…so wonderful!

Cynthia laughed. “See all men want to worship women, this miserable specimen is no different! He was so rude when he first came in. I think I’ll teach him a lesson!”

“harry, go home now and call Me when you get there. I’ll give you a code word over the phone that will put you back in this trance state and you will obey every command any woman gives you… even over the phone.” Excitedly, harry nodded his head ‘yes’ to demonstrate he was eager to comply with this outlandish command.

“oh, by the way harry, take off all your clothes and go home naked. You will undress now – right here in from of all these ladies – and then leave the store, walk out into the parking lot, get into you car and drive home…naked!…leaving your clothes here, under My care!” Hearing the instructions harry blinked a couple of times, his expression changing radically. Kissing feet was one thing, but undressing in front of all these women and parading around a parking lot butt-naked was not something he really wanted to do. He twitched, but he stayed in place. Cynthia recognized the symptoms and spoke quietly to the group. “He may just have gone a little too far under the influence of the ‘system’. Marquesa also instructed Me in the use of other hypnotic techniques. As time goes by I will show you those as will, but for now, just watch.” Harry was thinking to himself”… Jesus, that ‘broad’ must have hypnotized me! I don’t have to stand for that. I’ll just leave. Now that I know what she did to me she can’t do it to me again. I’m not going to do what She says! Hell, She’s just a ‘broad’!!!!”

Cynthia walked over to harry and took his face between Her lovely, wicked hands, forcing him to look into Her equally sexy, wicked eyes. She narrowed Her gaze slightly just as the Mistress Marquesa had instructed Her to do and spoke in a soft, honey-like voice. “Don’t be afraid, harry. Just look into My eyes…look deeply into My gorgeous, Dominant eyes…deeply harry…deeply…and soon you will find that you want to obey all of My commands…look…you can’t look away harry…My gaze has captured you…look deeper harry…deeper…obey Me…obey…obey…obey…obey…!”

Her eyes filled his gaze and Her words filled his mind……he fought it…escape…runaway! But as he stared into those lovely blue eyes he started to think…”She has such wonderfully powerful eyes”.

“She has probably already trapped me in Her gaze”.

“She has already captured me”.

“She is making me obey all Her commands and I am helpless before Her.”

“Desperately, I want to obey her marvelous commands…i want to obey am helpless and i want to obey Her.”

“Helpless… but oh…oh…such a wonderful feeling. It is such a marvelous feeling!”

“She’s captured my will and there isn’t anything I can do about it….i’m Hers to command! I don’t want to resist Her….!”

And so he was Hers to command…and he simply must obey each of Her wonderful commands! Cynthia drilled home Her commands just as the Marquesa had instructed. “Deeper harry…deeper…you can’t look away from My lovely, sexy eyes. They hold you…they have become your entire world… My voice…My eyes…you are helpless before Me…you are powerless…you are completely open to any commands I give to you…you are at My command! Say it harry…say it!”

“I am helpless before you.”

“Say it again harry.”

“I want to hear you say it again but this time you must call me ‘Mistress’!”

“I am helpless before you ‘Mistress’!” harry said.

“Good boy! That’s a good boy harry. Now harry…from now on when you hear the word ‘Marquesa’ you will fall into this deep hypnotic trance that you are now in and you will obey Me…My little slave. Say it harry…say, you will obey Me. Say that you are My slave harry. Say that you will obey Me, Slave!”

Slowly harry said “I will obey you Mistress.”

A distant vacant quality cam over harry’s eyes and his jaw dropped open. He was powerless before Her.

“Now, you want to go home and take delivery of your stereo, so just take off those nasty old clothes and go to your car. Here are you keys and your dirver’s licence. I don’t want you to forget them.” As harry dropped his clothing, Cynthia gently ran Her fingernails along his excited member. Under hypnosis most men feel a deep sexual attraction to the woman who has entranced them. Cynthia took advantage of that and with one gentle touch coaxed harry to a very excited state! Then She hung his key ring over his excitement and said “now go!”

All the women at MarquesaCo laughed at the sight of the formally arrogant customer walking to his car totally naked with his drivers license in his hand and his keys hanging in a very conspicuous place. With each step the keys made a metallic clinking sound until he reached his car where he took them from their hanging place to unlock the door and start the engine…’just like I do it everyday’, he thought.

“Now ladies,” Cynthia said, ” we will have another domination tomorrow in this room at the same time.”

“Rita, you come with Me.” “In fifteen minutes or so We will phone harry to arrange delivery.”

“I’m going to let you tell him that “Marquesa” will deliver it so We can see what effect the code word has on him”.

“We want him to be in the proper frame of mind and in the proper ‘costume’ to accept delivery….don’t we?!”

Cynthia smiled and looked at Rita, “Aren’t You glad You came to work for Us?” The redhead just smiled like a cat who had just caught its first mouse.