This is a story of the dilemma facing many single men as we are about to end the 1990’s (we’d much prefer not to call them the “gay” nineties though, at times, that seems to be the trend! Instead, let’s look forward to the 21st century, the beginning of the era of Womankind!) Our story depicts what we see as very typical experiences of single men as they have been in the eighties, and still are, in the nineties. The only difference is that there is a happy ending for Rod, our hero. He is able to come to terms with his true inner nature that is opposed by the cross currents he finds in the “norms” of everyday society around him. Alas, most young single men never achieve Rod’s inner peace, nor do many of them understand how to solve their problem–let alone do they even have the foggiest notion of what their problems are!

Rod is a single young man–a “yuppie” who was raised in Orange County, CA. He now lives in a home he rents, along with two other roommates, in the hills facing on the San Fernando Valley. Hollywood lies below these same hills on the other side. Rod works for a brokerage firm in Beverly Hills. Read more…